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We Go When You Can’t: Inman Connect San Francisco
The Inman Connect conference in San Francisco has come and gone. Not everyone was able to make it so I thought it would be valuable to do a recap of some of the things that came out during the conference. If you’ve never been to an Inman conference before you...
Why You Should Attend Training Events
Do you know what the best in the business are doing to get even better? Training events are the best place to find out. The key is to pick the right events. The events where top producers are going and the people teaching you actually know what they are talking...
How to Hone Your Social Media Strategy
Hosted a webinar with Katie Lance today to talk about How to Hone Your Social Media Strategy. A lot of great tips, Katie is one of the best in the industry. Check out the replay below. <br/> Resources Mentioned Content Grid Get a copy of...
How to Easily Generate 20+ Leads per Listing
Want to generate 20+ buyer leads for every listing without exhausting your wallet? It’s a lot simpler than you think, thanks to the many improvements made to Facebook Lead Ads over the years. These lead ads negate the need for a high converting website - it...
Introducing The Blue Mountain Real Estate Conference
We're excited to announce we're launching the 1st Annual Blue Mountain Real Estate Conference! Support a great cause, network with your peers, and come learn a ton about the real estate industry! 100% of Proceeds from this event will go to support My...
Why You Should Design for Mobile View First
Successful businesses tend to have a strong online presence – both on your desktop and on your mobile device. There are certainly a plethora of pieces to take into consideration if you intend on expanding your repertoire of advertisements to include online...
How to Build a Real Estate Brand from Scratch
Yesterday, in our Group The Wheel House, we interviewed an expert on branding; Seth Price. In the interview we talked about a strategy to build a brand from scratch when you don’t have a database to work from. The key is to build your...
Facebook’s 20% Text Rule
So you’ve designed a Facebook ad. Perhaps it looks something like this: You sit back and admire your handiwork and contemplate printing it out and putting it on your fridge because it’s truly a masterpiece. With immense pride, you click the “Place Order”...
Tom Ferry | Get to Know the Coaches Series by Just Sell Homes
The latest instalment of Get to Know the Coaches we get to interview the Tom Ferry, arguably the biggest coach in real estate! Before jumping into the interview I'd just like to say a big thank you to Tom for doing this interview while travelling through Europe. A big...
26 Milestones on The Road to Recognition: A Personal Branding Roadmap
Seth Price, whom many of you know, is a leading expert in Personal Branding. With the launch of his book coming up, now is the perfect time to share this great piece of content he and his co-author Barry Feldman created! For the A-Zs of personal branding, keep reading...