
Why You Should Design for Mobile View First

May 1, 2017


Successful businesses tend to have a strong online presence – both on your desktop and on your mobile device. There are certainly a plethora of pieces to take into consideration if you intend on expanding your repertoire of advertisements to include online platforms such as a business website or Facebooks Ads. One rather notable consideration is to prioritize how your website/lead page/Facebook Ad looks in mobile view.


Why is this important exactly? One statistic shows that in 2014, the global number of mobile users surpassed those browsing on a desktop computer. This means that there is a much greater chance of someone seeing your advertisement on a mobile device versus a desktop computer. Would it not then be wise to make it look as appealing as possible on mobile view?


This simple adjustment can make it much easier for your audience to clearly navigate your page given the circumstance that they are observing through a mobile device such as an iPhone. Here is an example of what a well-designed mobile view looks like, versus a desktop view as seen through mobile.




It’s not a difficult adjustment to make. When using tools such as Facebook Ads, there are options to switch from desktop to mobile view while editing, which gives you the opportunity to see it both ways before submitting the final copy. You can find it just above the ad preview in a dropdown menu that gives you the option to see either desktop or mobile view, as shown below.





A good guideline for how to layout your design is to think as simple as possible and to imagine things aligned in a column, as if you were to scroll through the page on your phone. It is also ideal to consider the size of your writing and buttons – people have big thumbs and can’t click on things quite as precisely as they would be able to with a cursor on a desktop!


Whether you’re developing a new website, generating a lead page, or creating an advertisement, first think of how it will look on mobile view. This additional effort can be the difference between making or breaking a sale – don’t neglect it!




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