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Over a Pint: Being a Black REALTOR in Canada

Over a Pint: Being a Black REALTOR in Canada

Our words will never be able to do justice to the challenges and discrimination Black REALTORS deal with on a daily basis.  In this episode of Over A Pint, we invited four members of the Black REALTOR community in Canada to discuss and share their experiences.One of...

Seller Ads: The Complete Guide for Real Estate Agents

Seller Ads: The Complete Guide for Real Estate Agents

Imagine crafting the perfect seller ads. Seller ads that bring in new listings. Inquiry after inquiry, contract after contract. Your GCI grows and you have the real estate business you’ve always wanted. It feels like a cool breeze up your shorts on a warm summers day....

How To Use Twitter For Real Estate

How To Use Twitter For Real Estate

Twitter for real estate, it's one of my favourite platforms, but the one I see being used wrong the most. People are doing the very things you should never do on Twitter. It can be an incredibly valuable tool in your arsenal but only worth doing if you do it the right...

3 Ways To Convert More Leads With Simple Video

3 Ways To Convert More Leads With Simple Video

When you think about video in real estate, you probably think about scripted, produced, edited, and polished videos that require significant time, money, and/or expertise but not about how to convert more leads through. This is "marketing through video." Here, I want...