by justsellhomes | Jul 9, 2018 | General, Uncategorized
The most common Facebook Ad topic that comes up with real estate agents is about boosting posts. The advice from the experts: NEVER Boost a Post. You’ve heard this before. How often do you actually get the answer why? Boosting a post is like...
by justsellhomes | Jul 3, 2018 | General, Uncategorized
This week we sat down with Ara Mamourian, a great agent from the east end of Toronto who is doing really well online. Check it out below!
by justsellhomes | Jun 25, 2018 | General, Uncategorized
🍻Another LIVE edition of Over a Pint. Andrew Fogliato was joined by Vince Mirabelli & John-Ross Parks at the Blue Mountain Real Estate Conference 🍻 We discussed how both Vince and John-Ross are heavily involved in charities and how that has impacted their...
by justsellhomes | Jun 18, 2018 | General, Uncategorized
🍺 This week we sat down Over a Pint with Tim & Megan from nutmeg bakeshop in Newmarket! 🍺 We discussed everything from how they started Nutmeg, their shared love of baking, working with your spouse, raising children as entrepreneurs, growing their business...
by justsellhomes | Jun 10, 2018 | General, Uncategorized
This week we’re joined by Nicholas Kusmich, one of the best, if not THE best, Facebook Ad strategists in the entire world. We talked about how he turned down a job from @Gary Vaynerchuk, how he first started running ads, why images we prefer images to...