
What goes into a good real estate Facebook post?

Mar 4, 2020

A lot of REALTORS are wondering what makes a good real estate Facebook post. I’ve seen a lot of people with good ideas for Facebook but when it came time to execute they fell short and ultimately hurt their good idea. It’s not just about creating good content, it’s about delivering the content in a way that your audience wants to engage with it.

You want to make it simple, memorable, and inviting to look at (hat tip to Leo Burnett via Gary Vaynerchuck’s Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook book) so that they keep coming back to your content. If you overcomplicate your posts you’ll lose your audience.

Anytime you are posting you should think to yourself, if I saw this on my Newsfeed from someone else, would I share it? If the answer is no then you should reconsider what you’re posting. Always consider it from that angle of would you share it? If you wouldn’t share it then it is not a good real estate Facebook post

Instead of just describing what makes a good post lets actually take a look at some posts to see what was done right and what could be improved.

Real Estate Facebook Post #1

This is a great idea for a post. Showing happy clients (she’s smiling in the photo) in front of their home that has sold. So what could be done to improve it? First, include the clients first name at least. It will resonate more with your audience if it said something along the lines of “Congratulations Susan! It was our pleasure helping you get your home sold! Couldn’t be happier for you!”

One issue with this post is the overuse of hashtags. Hashtags are great for Twitter and Instagram but for Facebook they offer no value. Facebook has enabled their use but few people actually search them on Facebook and it clutters the post. One or two may be ok if it helps provide context but don’t go overboard. That level of hash tagging should be reserved for Instagram.

Real Estate Facebook Post #2

This is a good real estate Facebook post. It sounds like real people writing it and has some real personality in it. It uses the clients first names which helps its authenticity. Also, it does a good job at referencing their own content with their Moving with Pets blog post on their website.

So how could this post be improved? Add a link to the moving with pets article. If you just mentioned it you should include a link to it at the end of the post. The best way to do this is to first shorten it through bit.ly so that you can track how many people are clicking through to your content. The only other way I may change this post is to add the names of the kids or adding Adam, Sue, and family!” or a line about the dogs enjoying their new backyard too.

Otherwise, good post!

Real Estate Facebook Post #3Good Real Estate Facebook Post

This is an an example of a good real estate Facebook post. It’s not promotional but it’s designed to get engagement.

It entertains the audience so they will more likely keep coming back and engaging with more content. It’s also still home related so its on point in terms of the theme. After a few posts like this its more palatable for the audience when their’s a post asking them to take action in regards to this agents business.

To take a post like this to the next level, run an ad promoting it to fans of the show in your area and you can see a huge jump in engagement. People love being right!

Real Estate Facebook Post #4

This is a great post that has been executed well. It shows they are involved in the community and supports a local company. They’ve even tagged the company to help promote them as well.

People love seeing local businesses supporting each other and the added combo of using the owners first names shows the involvement in the local community.

The more you can promote local interests that are the same interests your ideal clients have, the more your social engagement will skyrocket.

Don’t be afraid to put some money behind a post like this to promote it to more people locally.


Real Estate Facebook Post #5

Here is an example of posting a listing on Facebook. Obviously being in Malibu and a high end home do they have the advantage of great visuals which they used really well here. They picked one really nice photo and gave some details about the property but didn’t overdo it. Then they include a link to the property.

There are a few things I’d change about this post though. One, I would open with a statement or question to get more attention. Newly listed has nothing interesting about it.

Add some personality to this and it can go a long way!

Think of the post as a movie trailer, you want to generate enough excitement to get people to want to click through and learn more about the home.

What have you found works with your Facebook posting to get engagement?