
Social Media Strategies for Realtors: How to Consistently Get Clients Online

Aug 13, 2024

Are you tired of hearing about the latest “secret” to getting clients on social media, only to find out it doesn’t really work for your real estate business? The truth is, success on social media isn’t about accumulating followers, likes, and comments. It’s about having meaningful conversations with potential clients.

So let’s talk about proven strategies that Realtors can use to consistently attract and engage clients through social media. These aren’t one-size-fits-all solutions, but adaptable processes you can tailor to your unique business style—whether you rely on referrals, cold calling, or other methods.

Setting Up for Success

The first step to success on social media is choosing the right platform. But which one is best for you? The answer depends on where your ideal clients are spending their time and where you’re comfortable engaging with them. 

Every major social media platform has enough users to support a thriving real estate business, but currently, Instagram is delivering the best organic results for most Realtors.

Once you’ve selected your platform, setting up a professional and engaging profile is crucial. Here’s how to make sure your profile works for you:

Profile Photo: Use a clear, close-up photo of your face. It should be recognizable enough that someone could spot you on the street. Even if you’re part of a team, use a headshot of the team leader. People connect with people, not logos.

Bio: Clearly state your profession, target market, and location. Include a call to action with a link to your website or a specific landing page. Make it obvious who you serve, the area(s) you cover, and the next step for them to take.

Your profile is your digital storefront, and it should instantly communicate who you are, what you do, and how potential clients can get in touch.

Attracting Clients with Consistent Content

To drive real business consistently, you need to create content regularly. 

Without consistent content, you might get a few clients here and there, but it won’t become a reliable pillar of your business.

Start by considering your ideal client. What questions do they have? What piques their interest? 

What makes them stop and engage with your content? Your content should aim to answer these questions and address their needs.

Generating sales starts with generating conversations. Before creating content, plan what action you want your audience to take. For instance, if you want people to reach out for a list of properties that would make good flips, your call to action might be, “DM me FLIP to get the list of the best flips on the market today.”

Next, think about what you could say that would make them want that list. For example, a quick video on the top three things to look for when identifying a potential flip would be engaging and informative.

When planning your content, consider the Know, Like, and Trust framework:

Know: Content that introduces you to your audience.

Like: Content that shows your personality and helps your audience connect with you.

Trust: Content that demonstrates your expertise and reliability.

Using Instagram as an example, Reels are fantastic for getting people to know you because they can reach a wide audience, including non-followers. 

Regular feed posts and stories can then help your audience like and trust you.

Trust is built when people see you as a complete person, not just a salesperson. Avoid the stereotype of the slick, pushy Realtor who disappears after the deal is done. Instead, share content that reflects your interests and hobbies outside of real estate. This doesn’t mean you have to share private details—just things that show you as a well-rounded individual.

Creating Content Buckets

To make content creation easier, organize your topics into three content buckets. One of these should always be real estate-related. The other two can be related to your interests, hobbies, or values.

For example:

  • Real estate, family, and fitness
  • Real estate, community involvement, and personal development
  • Real estate, cooking, and travel

By rotating through these topics, you present yourself as a relatable, interesting person while still reinforcing your professional identity.

Each day, aim to post something on your feed that tells a short story, a reel that educates or offers an interesting perspective, and 3-5 stories to engage your audience.

Engaging Your Audience

Consistency is key to maintaining an engaging social media presence. To make this easier, establish a content theme. For example, you could post a real estate tip every Monday, community highlights every Wednesday, and a listing of the week every Friday.

Stories are particularly powerful because they allow for immediate engagement. For example, you could share five stories each day:

  • Motivational content
  • A behind-the-scenes look at how you’re improving your business
  • A story about a positive habit (like exercising)
  • A real estate story that highlights a challenge and the solution you provided
  • Client testimonials or previews of what it’s like to work with you

At the end of your real estate-themed posts, include a simple call to action, such as “DM me [INSERT WORD] for [INSERT SPECIFIC ACTION].”

For example, you might post a view from the deck of a new listing and say, “DM me 123MAIN to get the link and full details of this listing.”

When someone messages you, qualify them right in the DMs. Don’t rush to move the conversation to phone or email until you’ve gathered enough information to determine if they’re a viable prospect.

Additionally, initiate conversations with new followers. Think of a new follower as a new lead. Send them a simple message like, “Hi [NAME], thanks for following me! Are you interested in learning more about real estate in [YOUR AREA] or planning a move soon?”

This approach helps you start qualifying them right away, learning about their motivations, and determining how you can assist them.

Another strategy is to engage with people who viewed your stories but haven’t yet interacted with you. Send a message like, “Hi [NAME], I noticed you viewed my stories today—thanks for following along! Are you keeping up with what’s happening in the area, or are you planning a move soon?”

Set a goal to send at least five DMs to new people every day. The more conversations you have, the more opportunities you’ll uncover, leading to more sales.

Finally, spend time each day responding to other people’s stories and commenting on their posts. 

Your goal is to stay within as many people’s last 50 interactions as possible. The more you appear in their recent interactions, the more likely they are to see your content going forward. Asking questions is particularly effective for sparking conversations—questions lead to discussions, while simple reactions often do not.

Building Long-Term Connections

Social media isn’t just about generating new business—it’s also a powerful tool for growing your repeat and referral business. That’s why it’s essential that your social profile isn’t entirely focused on real estate.

You want your past clients, who may not be in the market for years, to still engage with your content. 

Here are some ways to build deeper connections:

  • Live Videos: Host live sessions where you interview local business owners, conduct Q&A sessions, or champion a cause in your community.
  • Success Stories: Share stories that showcase how you help clients prepare their homes for sale or guide buyers through the purchase process. Don’t treat anything you do as a secret—share your knowledge in bite-sized portions.
  • Home Hacks: Offer tips on how homeowners can improve their living spaces or keep up with the latest trends. Aim to be the most useful person a homeowner could follow.

The key is to know your ideal client and create content that is both relevant and useful to them. When there’s news in the community, talk about how it impacts them. Discuss new developments, the pros and cons of certain areas, and other topics that would interest your target audience.

Measuring Your Success

Finally, how do you know if your social media strategies are working? Here are some key metrics to track:

  • Number of Saves and Shares: How often are people saving and sharing your content? This indicates how valuable your content is to your audience.
  • Number of New Followers from Your Area: Growth in local followers shows that your content is reaching the right audience.
  • Number of New Conversations Started: How many new conversations are you initiating each day? The more conversations you have, the more opportunities you’ll find.

If you want the Google Sheet template just head over to Instagram and DM me “IG Tracking Template” and I’ll send you the link.

By focusing on these metrics, you can fine-tune your strategies and ensure that your social media efforts are driving real business results.

Success on social media for Realtors is about more than just posting regularly. It’s about building meaningful relationships, providing value, and consistently engaging with your audience. By implementing the strategies outlined in this post, you can start generating more conversations, uncovering more opportunities, and ultimately, closing more sales. Remember, it’s not about the quantity of your interactions, but the quality of the relationships you build.