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Over a Pint with The Geeky Agent – Tony Iacoviello

Over a Pint with The Geeky Agent – Tony Iacoviello

I had the opportunity to hang out with my good friend, The Geeky Agent himself, Tony Iacoviello! During this episode of #OverAPint, Tony and I discuss how connecting with other geeks in the industry allowed them to create a strong community and solidify their business...

Over a Pint with Jas Takhar

Over a Pint with Jas Takhar

This week, I'm hanging out with Jas Takhar at the REC Experience headquarters. We go in depth about the importance of creating and delivering content, how you can find your content in day-to-day life, how creating content can become a great way to network, and much,...

Over a Pint with Jeff Lobb

Over a Pint with Jeff Lobb

Join me in New York with Jeff Lobb, CEO of Sparktank Media, for this week's Over A Pint. We discuss how Jeff got into the real estate industry, learning and evolving in the business, using the experience he has to coach others into becoming great speakers, and much...

Over a Pint with Billy Ekofo

Over a Pint with Billy Ekofo

This week Andrew shares a pint with Billy Ekofo at the Banff Western Connections Conference as they discuss beer, effective recruiting strategies, and MORE!

Over a Pint with Bill Madder

Over a Pint with Bill Madder

Join us today as we discuss how the Banff Western Connection Conference comes together and the upcoming conference in 2021 with the CEO of the Association of Saskatchewan Realtors, Bill Madder.

Over a Pint with The Stone Sisters

Over a Pint with The Stone Sisters

In this episode of Over A Pint, the Stone Sisters talk about how their business began and how they have grown into a successful team by providing detailed training, mentoring, and more!

Over a Pint with Teri Conrad

Over a Pint with Teri Conrad

Had the opportunity to sit down with Teri Conrad and discussed her journey from being an agent to working with Zillow Group and everything Zillow. Grab your favourite beer, have a seat with us, and press play!

Over a Pint with Ryan & Jenn Shields

Over a Pint with Ryan & Jenn Shields

Want to know how to kill it with video in your business?   Especially in a small town with less than 50,000 people?   Then you'll love this episode. Ryan & Jenn Shields from Brandon, Manitoba are a great husband and wife team that are absolutely killing...

Over a Pint with Peter Schravemade

Over a Pint with Peter Schravemade

Have you heard of BoxBrownie.com? Got to sit down with the Chief Operator of Important Operations of Box Brownie, Peter Schravemade! We talked about the homely differences between Australia and North American cultures, photography, a whole lot of completely random...