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How You Can Bring In More Reviews

How You Can Bring In More Reviews

  How often have you looked into a product or service, became interested, then saw that the company did not have any recent reviews or simply none at all? Did it make you question your purchase or commitment? Your reviews can really make or break a potential...

What goes into a good real estate Facebook post?

What goes into a good real estate Facebook post?

A lot of REALTORS are wondering what makes a good real estate Facebook post. I’ve seen a lot of people with good ideas for Facebook but when it came time to execute they fell short and ultimately hurt their good idea. It’s not just about creating good content, it’s...

Time To Hire Your First Employee

Time To Hire Your First Employee

  Your business is growing and it's time to hire your first employee. It can be a bit daunting to hand over some control over some aspects of your business. You'll see it's worth it in the end.   In The Beginning   When I started Just Sell Homes in...

How To Promote Real Estate Content

How To Promote Real Estate Content

Creating a nice piece of content is half the battle. It's the toughest part to actually do consistently. If you don't actually promote your real estate content though, you've wasted your efforts. You need to maximize how many people will see it. So to promote your...

The Secret to Good Real Estate Content

The Secret to Good Real Estate Content

The need for good real estate content in an online marketing strategy is important. Few do it but those who do reap the rewards. Most who are creating good real estate content know to avoid one thing. Fluff. My biggest pet peeve. The best digital marketing strategy is...