
Ever feel overwhelmed with all the information out there and people telling you what works?

There’s a million and one people telling you what you need to do to grow your business. When I was a licensed Realtor I tried a lot of different things. My strategy was basically “throw as much crap against the wall as I can and hopefully something sticks.”

If we’ve never met before, I’m Andrew Fogliato, I’m the founder of Just Sell Homes.

I got my license to sell in 2012. I joined a local brokerage and then had no idea what to do. I started researching, asking people for advice, and trying everything I found.

I was door knocking, posting on Facebook, blogging, cold calling, going to networking events like BNI, and saying yes to those cold calls where they promise to make you the exclusive lead source in the area.

It was tough. That first year over the holidays I took a minimum wage job at a toy store to make ends meet. The breakthrough came through social media and content marketing, everything changed. Not through spammy tactics or gimmicks, but by genuinely engaging with my community and giving them what they needed. I developed a system, not just to be on social media, but to drive results from it.

I was able to start dropping the things like door knocking, cold calling, and all those other pieces that weren’t driving results to focus on what was. They were also the parts of the business I didn’t find draining.

I started getting traction and others started noticing. They wanted to know how. Starting with training people at my own brokerage how to do it, then traveling North America for RE/MAX showing their agents how.

Every time I trained people would say the same thing “I don’t want to deal with any of this stuff, I want to Just Sell Homes.” So I founded Just Sell Homes. We started working with top agents and helping them grow their business.

If we’ve never met before, I’m Andrew Fogliato, I’m the founder of Just Sell Homes.

I got my license to sell in 2012. I joined a local brokerage and then had no idea what to do. I started researching, asking people for advice, and trying everything I found.

I was door knocking, posting on Facebook, blogging, cold calling, going to networking events like BNI, and saying yes to those cold calls where they promise to make you the exclusive lead source in the area.

It was tough. That first year over the holidays I took a minimum wage job at a toy store to make ends meet. The breakthrough came through social media and content marketing, everything changed. Not through spammy tactics or gimmicks, but by genuinely engaging with my community and giving them what they needed. I developed a system, not just to be on social media, but to drive results from it.

I was able to start dropping the things like door knocking, cold calling, and all those other pieces that weren’t driving results to focus on what was. They were also the parts of the business I didn’t find draining.

I started getting traction and others started noticing. They wanted to know how. Starting with training people at my own brokerage how to do it, then traveling North America for RE/MAX showing their agents how.

Every time I trained people would say the same thing “I don’t want to deal with any of this stuff, I want to Just Sell Homes.” So I founded Just Sell Homes. We started working with top agents and helping them grow their business.

Now having worked with hundreds of Realtors across North America directly and training thousands more we started noticing trends. Everyone having consistent success had 3 core components in their business. From what I was doing for myself, for our clients, and what other top producers were doing to drive results, we developed a repeatable framework.

We called it the Wheelhouse Marketing Framework.

You need to ATTRACT people to your business and get them to ENGAGE with you consistently to build a long-term CONNECTION. This entire process is built around TRUST. Even more so today with the rise of AI, trust is harder than ever to genuinely earn.

As social media rose as a viable way to build a business, so did the snake oil. People promising riches just by buying their silver bullet. The truth is that so many of them don’t actually sell much real estate, they sell courses or a downline while pretending to be top producers.  Their content works for that, that doesn’t mean it works for growing a real estate business.

We’ve seen it all. We’ve tested and worked with all kinds of tactics and strategies. We still do. 

Our team goes through it all to see what works. We’ve distilled it into the Social Selling System.

This isn’t a system that turns your social media into a passive source of leads and growth. It takes work. Time, money, or a combination of both. There’s no magic bullet. You create a system and then you execute on it. It’s going to take work but we’ll make it easier.

We’re here to train you on the system. Show you the ins and outs and you can take your business model and apply the wheelhouse framework to it.

That’s why we created Engage. It’s our program for people who want to grow their business through social, not just their fame. Taking the Wheelhouse Marketing Framework, creating a social selling system based on it, and training you how to apply it in your business. 

Learn More About Engage and Join Us.

Learn more about Engage and join us.