
Is It Time You Started Using NewsJacking?

May 13, 2016

Have you ever NewsJacked? Have you heard of Newsjacking? Its one of the best ways to quickly rank well on search engines and have content potentially go viral. It involves jumping on a story quickly in the news and publishing information on your own site about it. You have a few different options for Newsjacking. For real estate though Newsjacking should take a more specific form.

Your website isn’t a place people will go just for news related to real estate. Although it certainly can be. If you want to really build your brand and increase the people who know, like, and trust you. You can showcase your expertise. The easiest way to explain how to do it is to you use an example.

Do you remember a year or two ago when the story came out that homes within a quarter-mile of a Starbucks raise faster than those aren’t? That was a popular story that got a lot of traction as people were very interested in it. So if you want to jump on the bandwagon of the story and use that attention to benefit yourself then this is where you can newsjack the story.

Write a blog, or record a video about the story and how it affects things locally. Go pull the data and see if home prices in your area have risen quicker around Starbucks than those that aren’t. By jumping on the story and giving it a local spin you can get people who read the story even more interested by seeing how it actually may have impacted them.

You can do the same things for so many different stories. Did your town announce a new development or transit route? How does that affect the local market? New mortgage rules come into play, write a story about what that means for people locally.

Want to take it a step further? Embed a Facebook pixel on your website and start tracking people who are reading the story. Now when they return to Facebook they can start seeing ads for your services. That way you aren’t hard selling them when they’re consuming your content but then when they return to Facebook they see the ads.

Even if you don’t collect their email address when they are on your site you are now at least reinforcing some brand recognition. This type of ad will be a lot more effective than a simple ad targeting anybody.

Pay attention to the news and wait for your next moment to do some newsjacking of your own!