Our Blog
Over a Pint with Bill Madder
Join us today as we discuss how the Banff Western Connection Conference comes together and the upcoming conference in 2021 with the CEO of the Association of Saskatchewan Realtors, Bill Madder.
Over a Pint with The Stone Sisters
In this episode of Over A Pint, the Stone Sisters talk about how their business began and how they have grown into a successful team by providing detailed training, mentoring, and more!
Over a Pint with Teri Conrad
Had the opportunity to sit down with Teri Conrad and discussed her journey from being an agent to working with Zillow Group and everything Zillow. Grab your favourite beer, have a seat with us, and press play!
Blue Mountain Real Estate Conference 2019, The Business Growth Event for Real Estate Professionals
“A good real estate agent is equal parts marketer, negotiator, and magician.” -Unknown For the third straight year, Just Sell Homes is rallying the industry’s top performers, coaches and expert marketers to present you with powerful tools and needle-moving strategies...
Over a Pint with Ryan & Jenn Shields
Want to know how to kill it with video in your business? Especially in a small town with less than 50,000 people? Then you'll love this episode. Ryan & Jenn Shields from Brandon, Manitoba are a great husband and wife team that are absolutely killing...
Over a Pint with Peter Schravemade
Have you heard of BoxBrownie.com? Got to sit down with the Chief Operator of Important Operations of Box Brownie, Peter Schravemade! We talked about the homely differences between Australia and North American cultures, photography, a whole lot of completely random...
Over a Pint with Jordan Rossman
Video Marketing. Building a Team/Partnership. Community Involvement. Secrets to Success...and a whole lot more... This episode is FULL of value for growing your business. It's next level. Definitely need to check it out. Thank you Jordan Rossman from the Streeter...
Over a Pint with Ian Szabo
For episode 30 we sat down with Ian Szabo. You may know him from #ShortBusTalks or his past as an HGTV star. It's always fun sitting down with a guy like Ian, and this time we got to do it in a really cool setting, his short bus! Check it out and let us...
Over a Pint with Tony Joe
Got to sit down with the man himself, Tony Joe! He's a successful team leader in Victoria, BC. Industry leader, speaker, sits on boards, and generally keeps a schedule that you wonder how he keeps up. We talk about his busy life in the real estate...
Over a Pint with Anthony Brown
Sat down with Anthony Brown from Halifax. A great guy and team leader and we talked about everything from lead conversion, running a team, his history in the industry, and so much more. Really great, flowing conversation that is worth listening to.