
One Simple Trick To Get More From Your Online Leads That Most REALTORS Overlook

Jul 2, 2020

Many REALTORS run ad campaigns to get online leads and make this one simple mistake that can cost them a lot of money in the long run.

When a person opts to receive something of value from you, whether it’s information on a listing, a free home valuation, a buying/selling guide, etc.… they want something from you to become an online lead.

The majority of real estate agents, if they even have a thank you page, say, “Thanks, we’ll be in touch” or some equally dull language that ends the process right there.


Guess what? This is just the START of your relationship with this person. Don’t just leave them sitting there alone after they expressed interest. Keep being awesome. 

You can set the tone for your relationship going forward, tell them what to expect, show off your personality, and have a little fun with it even!

Side Note: Personality is the most significant thing missing from 99% of real estate marketing. I’ve been in the real estate industry long enough, and I know you guys have it, so show it off!

The Double Dip Offer for Online Leads

“You double-dipped the chip. You took a chip, had a bite, then dipped it again”.

The Double Dip Offer allows you to offer them something of value related to what they just did.

As I mentioned in this post about real estate seller ads, I only call it a Double Dip Offer because I’m a big Seinfeld fan.

George Costanza is arguably the best sitcom character of all time. The 🐐 if you will. 

Here’s how it works. Let’s pretend the person opted-in on an ad about getting a list of homes for sale that matches their criteria. Right there, you have a couple key pieces of information.

  1. They want to buy a home and depending on how you structured your ad about the type of home, you even know the price point and type of home they’re looking for. 
  2. What type of home did you offer them a list of? If it’s a move-up home then you also know they probably need to sell their current home to get it. So let’s take advantage of this and turn this buyer lead also into a seller lead.

On the thank you page or even the thank you screen of a Facebook Lead Ad Form you can say “Your list of homes will be in your inbox

 shortly,” then follow it up with “Do you need to sell your current home to buy your next one? Click below to find out what you would get if you were to sell your current home.” then change the button from “View Website” to “Order Custom Home Valuation Report,” then it just forwards them to your home value landing page.

They opt-in to that landing page? Send them to a page about downloading a guide on how to prepare their home for sale. They opt-in to that? Send them to another piece of value.

Overwhelm them with great value. Show how much you’re willing to do for them for free, imagine if they hired you!

Run out of ideas of things to have them opt-in to again? Send them to client testimonials or the search listings pages of your website and let them take it from there.

Double, triple, even quadruple dip. Just go elbow deep right into that dip.


Every time someone opts in to become an online lead, it shows how much better of a lead they are and gives you even more information about them when you follow up.

Pro Tip: If you’re sending them something and it’s going to arrive in their inbox automatically, set it to delay sending. If the form you’re asking them to fill out would take 5 minutes, have the email arrive 7 minutes later, so they don’t leave the page to check the new mail.

On top of that, you can double down on the double-dip (Wait, does that count as quadrupling down? I don’t know, math isn’t an exact science) and run Facebook ads to people who made it that far to get the double-dip offer if they don’t opt-in. 

You can treat your Facebook ads like a drip campaign, just like you can with email. It’s just a little more complicated to set up, but once you do, it’s a beautiful thing. 

Am I weird for thinking a Facebook ad is a beautiful thing? Nope, I think it’s normal. It IS a beautiful thing. 

The Godfather Offer

I’m going to come clean; I didn’t come up with the Godfather. Not my idea at all. It comes from one of the top Facebook advertisers out there at generating online leads, Nicholas Kusmich. One of those online marketing experts who actually knows what he’s talking about.

He introduced me to the idea of the Godfather offer. Why is it called the Godfather offer? Pretty sure he’s a fan of that movie. I’m sensing a trend here. 

What does everyone want to know about the leads they’re generating? It’s simple. They want to know who is looking to buy or sell in the next 30-90 days. Those hot leads that are ready to go.

Those leads that make you believe again. That make the sunshine a little brighter and you high five Karen in your office because you just found that beautiful, ready to go customer and don’t care about the fact that Karen keeps stealing your coffee pods.

Instead of calling them all and trying to find that little slice of heaven, have them put their own hands up. We do that with the Godfather offer by making them an offer they can’t refuse.


If someone was thinking of selling their home very soon, what could you offer them that would make them put their hand up and be like “YES! I want that! LET” S DO THIS!!! AAHHHHH!!!”

Here’s how it works; they opt-in to your “what’s my home worth” campaign, or another similar offer to become an online lead, and you say:

“Thank you. Your home value report will be in your inbox in about 10 minutes, thanks to the magic of email automation!”

“Are you planning on selling your home soon? We have a special offer just for you!

If you book a call with our team about selling your home by clicking below we’ll give you everything you see here to get your home sold faster:

  1. HD Photos (The two HD letters are important, we’ve actually seen an increase in conversion just by adding those two little letters)
  2. HD Video Walkthrough Tour
  3. 3D Dollhouse Tour (Don’t say Matterport, the consumer doesn’t know what a Matterport Tour is)
  4. Staging or Staging Consultation
  5. Send cleaners to your home before it hits the market
  6. And whatever other great pieces of service you’re offering your seller clients.”

Here’s the beauty of the Godfather Offer, for the most part, you do not need to offer any more than you already offer every single client. You just need to write it all down and show them how much they’re getting. 

You can certainly offer more, and there’s no reason you can’t. We’ve seen everything from cash back, reduced commission, and anything else you can think of. It’s your business. Just think about everything you can realistically offer, then offer it. 

My personal recommendation is to run it at the beginning with the things you’re already offering everyone. 

We’ve seen opt-in rates on those between 2-19% – the 2%, and the entire Godfather offer was just “HD Photos.” 

That means that anywhere from 2-19% of the leads could potentially put up their hand and say “Yes, I’ll take that offer! Let’s talk about listing our home!”

The thank-you page is such a powerful tool that so many overlook. Whether its a double-dip offer or the more direct godfather offer, use the page to provide even more value to your potential customers.

Make sure to repeat the offers in your follow up email and retargeted Facebook ads. This way, you can make sure they see it!

Thanks for reading this post! 

Do you want to start getting better results from your online marketing? If you book a 15-minute call with me about how we can do it, I’ll even waive your entire set up fee. That’s right. I’m Godfather offering this blog post 🤯

Is that like an Inception level Godfather offer? 

Ok, enough movie references. Get out there and just sell homes!